Hoaks Quibble and Other Poems

These are not in the book but were specially written for my dear husband who is a seasoned rock 'n' roller! Bless 'im...He can still dance the pants off anyone though.
There is a link to his great R 'n' R site at the bottom of this page.  


I LOVE to Dance!
Trancy flop, shuffly bop,
Oh how I love to dance.
Dipsy move, in the groove,
Whenever I get the chance.
Plumpsy frocks, bobby socks,
Rimpling music's beat.
Dizzly spins, twirning limbs,
Twinkling, prappy feet.
Trippy whirl, each boy and girl
Flancing round the floor.
Rock and Roll moves the soul,
Let's boogie down some more!

Rock on Kelvin!
Kelvin the Squirm was a lively young worm
Who danced Rock 'n' Roll for a living.
He was handsome & proud and really quite loud,
But kind and enormously giving.
His lithe Rock 'n' Roll would capture the soul
And send others off in a trance.
Their throats would be sore as they screamed
"Give us more" as young Kelvin got lost in his dance.
But...one rockin' day he was swinging away
Going maybe a little too fast.
At the great speed of light, he vanished from sight.
The audience now were aghast!
Kelvin the Squirm....What an act! What a worm!
But...hang on now, where did he go?
Well...He's dancing with grace in a heavenly place
A smile on his face, he's found the right pace
And still putting on a great show.
(Though only the angels will know!)


Halloween Dance
Beware the hour of midnight
When ghastly, ghostly things,
Rustle through the graveyard
On gray translucent wings.
Howling through the treetops,
Groaning down the street.
Beware the Eve of Halloween
When Rock 'n' Rollers meet.
Swinging into hallowed halls,
A frightening sight to see.
Hoards of jiving monsters,
But, hell, they'll not catch ME!
They'll throw you high, they'll sweep you low,
They'll whirl and scream for more.
They'll dance you to exhaustion.
They'll dance you off the floor.
Then as the sun arises,
These spectres in a trance,
Weird and wailing wander home,
'Till called again to dance.
They'll roll again when summoned
From their homely graveyard pad.
Don't weaken or they'll get you
And drive you rockin' mad!
So lock yourselves indoors and wait
For another social shocker.
Beware the Eve of Halloween,
You might become a Rocker!

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Please feel free to use any of these poems for non-commercial purposes. The only proviso being...the usual thing...a link to my site or a mention of the book or a mention of my name...any crumb will do!
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