Hoaks Quibble and Other Poems

Drappies?....Ah now, here's a good one I can explain this one. I've always liked this one....It's great being able to talk to you like this...particularly about Drappies...important things Drappies....Now, where to start....Well, you see a Drappie is ....damn it I've run out of space...sorry!

Digglefloop Your Drappies
Digglefloop your drappies, nurdle every one.
Don't deny your burbleflips, burbleflips are fun.
Chilt the werdles bang on time, delays create a lurt.
Fribbletinges work just fine (although the blue ones hurt).
Kurple all the little things, nurdle as you go.
Jub with wilts the larger bits, allowing preets to flow.
Relax your fenge, krub out your fear,
Plinge that extra hour.
Dark bathyplugs will disappear,
Your werdles may just flower!



A Touch Of The Wibbles
I'm as nervous as a Wibble (Wibbles usually are)
And nervous Wibbles, as we know, never get too far.
Though some, I have been told before, have climbed through Grisslings Mire.
A few, though not extremely bright, have gone a little higher.
One insanely daring one once stood up in a crowd
And, breathing fast and deeply, almost shouted out quite loud;
But generally a nervous Wibble never climbs the heights
That you and I can get to without those Wibble frights.
And normally I'm quite okay, but things right now aren't good,
My 'Ban the nervous Wibble' isn't going as it should.
I'm trying to be poised and calm, as calm as coddled Moots,
But coddled Moots go off quite fast when kicked with Wibble boots;
And so, as you will notice, I'm a little under par
And as nervous as a Wibble (Wibbles usually are)!



Feeling Down?
Winjing drotties get you own......don't let them!
Blunge your grops regularly......don't fret them!
Cast out badnyflips......upset them!
Turn niddles away, prink out everyday.
Keep fergling and bright, especially at night.
Dupple your drude, it helps with your mood,
And when your plurts nortle, ignore the little buggers!


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