Hoaks Quibble and Other Poems
Guests' Poetry

If you have a poem you'd like to share just tap it into an email & post to me. The funnier the better, but anything will do. (Not Porn!) Please keep in mind that this is a Granny Friendly & Child Safe site. 

I'm a little empty space sitting all alone
Waiting for some other words
To make me feel at home.
No-one wants to join me
No-one seems to care
Even though this place is clean
            And ......
There's lots of me to spare!
I feel so pale & empty
So help me here, please do.
Now ... open up your emails
And send me...just a few!

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Please feel free to use any of these poems for non-commercial purposes. The only proviso being...the usual thing...a link to my site or a mention of the book or a mention of my name ... any crumb will do!

For enquiries please contact nsnow@paradise.net.nz