Hoaks Quibble and Other Poems

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So Still She Lay
So still she lay beneath the Gort,
The Barndip passed her by,
Forgotten by the Merdling herd,
Untouched by the fleeting Churd,
Unnoticed by the Griddle bird,
Lurking in the sky.
Eventually the word got through,
The Windrips called her name.
She raised her head, unfurled her wings,
Rose above the Scudder rings,
Watched the darkness steal her things,
The Gort burst into flame.
Her resting place destroyed, she flew
Toward the Mancell Glide
Searching with a single thought,
To find herself another Gort,
Another home, another port,
Another place to hide.
She paused above the wooded realm
Of Barking-Under-Deep,
And, waiting till the sun went down,
Rustling in her scaly gown,
She whispered into Barking town
Hushed amid its sleep.
At last, down in a ferty dip,
A shrouded Gort she spied.
Swooping low beneath the bar,
Beneath the swirling cinderstar,
She entered into Gort's great skar,
And.....found it occupied.
He raised his head, unfurled his wings,
His dark eyes opened wide.
Time stood still, night turned to day,
She went to leave, he bade her stay.
So in the shrouded Gort they lay
Together side by side.

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