Hoaks Quibble and Other Poems

Oooooh......Nothing more drottifying than a slike and grimble Jerd...and as for that smurgris breath....well speaks for itself doesn't it?

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The Jerd
When Trimbles gandle in the dark,
When Fillitreeks shirk the moon.
When Batlings loop,
And Shifters group,
When Melters tug the Loon,
With a sowering lilty tune.
When Girtles melt into the night,
When Parkies shun the morn.
When Haggies fly,
And Dindrops sigh,
When Hordis' Kerns are torn,
'Tis then the Jerds are born.
The slike and grimble Jerd.
The chilt and bimble Jerd.
The Jerd that haunts the mill,
That hunts the crimson Trill,
That steals the Higger's kill
Left screaming on the hill.
The Jerd with sleaching claws;
And galbic slashing jaws.
The Jerd with trancid wings,
With smurgris breath that clings,
And all the nightmare things,
That souless sleeping brings!


The Fall Of Leversgate

One of my own artworks taken from my Elfwood Gallery

Drowly the Harrop kirps.
We watch and wait.
Hunder rolls over
Thick kones of Proll
At LeversGate.
The Harrop kirps again.
Kagclaps flash on high.
Burning Keers scream.
We watch and wait
At LeversGate.
Keers strope the kones
Of lonely Proll.
The Harrop jills the air,
Scarping the Mount.
He kirps again,
Sealing the fate
Of great LeversGate
Too late! Too late!
We watch and wait
At LeversGate.


The Darkling Wept
The Darkling wept as he viewed the sight.
The Dring had been up half the night,
And on the doorstep stood a Jight,
Weary from it's gruelling flight.
The Dring watched fearful, by his side,
All windows now flung open wide;
And as the screaming night time died,
They heard the war horse deathly ride.
The Darkling new the news was dire.
He'd seen the night sky burning fire,
He'd seen the Higger's war attire,
Heard cannons echo through the Shire
"Tell me the worst," the Darkling said.
"How far has this great horror spread?
How many need a coffin bed?
Tell me, Jight, the things I dread!"
And so the Jight's recanted tale,
Voiced in one long mournful wail,
Told of Higger's bloody trail
Staining every hill and dale.
"Half the Slimps have disappeared.
All Linkies have been axed or speared,
And Dorglops blood I am afeared
On Higger's axe is also smeared!"
The deathwind through the fir trees soughed
The Darkling groaned, he cried aloud.
"My job is done! Death's awful shroud
Now smothers with its killing cloud.
These creatures with their murderous way
Will learn that evil doesn't pay,
Their time is done. Their gruesome day
Is over, now I pave the way
For new blood.....freedom is the game.
Mankind I think will be the name.
This Human race I'll slowly train
For peace, they'll be so very tame."
And so the Darkling set anew
A detailed plan of things to do.
Now we know how the whole thing grew
And I don't think it worked....Do you?


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Please feel free to use any of these poems for non-commercial purposes. The only proviso being...the usual thing...a link to my site or a mention of the book or a mention of my name...any crumb will do!
For enquiries please contact nsnow@paradise.net.nz