Hoaks Quibble and Other Poems

Jibbling is...well now, here we go again...aah, umm....jibbling, it's.....er..Jibb..bel...ling..mmmm... JiBbLIng...er...jIbBli...


Bindo And Mibbs
Bindo and Mibbs were clatty pickers,
They tringled and clatted all day.
All the furties they slaked,
Till their nibpickers ached,
And the clatties were heaped on a tray.
Bindo and Mibbs were glubbin rakers.
They glerted and glubbed all the time,
The ploffings they raked,
Till in ploff they were caked,
And the glubbins were covered in grime.
Bindo and Mibbs, a talented pair,
Clatting and glubbin a lot.
The clatties were baked,
The glubbins were flaked,
Then salted and stored in a pot!



A Builder's Lot
Zurdu and Goub, two grye little Stits,
Living on Trancombe Bye.
Jibbling the walls
Of outerdeck halls,
They wonder, but never ask....why?
Zurdu and Goub, jibbling hard,
Wenging the welt away.
Prouting the spout,
Gridding it out,
The same old routine every day.
Zurdu and Goub, busy as Boks,
Shifting great Hennity tiles.
No razzling fun,
Or weets in the sun,
Just jibbling, which goes on for miles.
Zurdu and Goub, two grye little Stits,
Trying so hard not to shirk.
They gardingly try to whisper a "Why?"
But all they can mutter is..."Work!"


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Please feel free to use any of these poems for non-commercial purposes. The only proviso being...the usual thing...a link to my site or a mention of the book or a mention of my name...any crumb will do!
For enquiries please contact nsnow@paradise.net.nz