Hoaks Quibble and Other Poems

Off we go for a stroll in the country....Airywerts abound here. Oh, Airywerts? Ah yes, now let's see.....they're a sort of pergly thing with a tiny frittle on top and just below the frittle is a fine webbing of.......Well, you did ask! 


Nature Ramble
Duckle grow the Thudder Neers,
Still seebing hangs the Quibber.
For a while a Nincy lears.
But not a Trunce does flibber.
On a sidge a Weemy sings
Of Glowries ploaming wide.
Here and there a Rummub clings
To every furdle-tusted side.
In the welter, paling blue,
Bintocks float the stream.
Rippling wavelets flowing through
The sparkling, crystal seam.


Pilchy Top
Durzle whizzle snip, by the Drozzie Gap.
Fringle gurtle drip, like a Pruggie tap.
Nittle lobgin pitch, gattle flinching ho.
Pilkin fently on the cusp,
Beezlee mozzle so.
Freezle razzle pod, Lurding-Over-Bine.
Krinkly porkly trod, hussley on the vine.
Dorkin Pilchy Top, drapping as we go.
Ferding drizzly up the rill,
Beezlee mozzle so.


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Spring Song
Spurting stipples in the spring,
Spurting stipples on the wing.
Fishing blarties from the stream.
Gilling pitties, what a dream.
Slurping furberries with  cream.
Spurting stipples in the air,
Spurting stipples everywhere.
Dibbling pleaters on the run,
Catching darbies in the sun.
Wilching loppies just for fun.
Spurting stipples, what a treat,
Spurting stipples in bare feet.
Skitting nurts upon the bay.
Watching Poppledors at play.
Counting airywerts all day.


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